7 days to die console commands

7 days to die console commands

7 days to die console commands

In 7 Days to Die, console commands can be used to modify gameplay, troubleshoot, and enhance your experience. Here is a table of some common console commands, along with their descriptions and usage.

helpDisplays a list of available commands.help
cmToggles Creative Menu.cm
dmToggles Debug Mode.dm
spawnentitySpawns a specified entity (e.g., zombies, animals).spawnentity [player ID] [entity ID]
settimeSets the current world time.settime [day] [hour] [minute] [second]
teleportTeleports the player to a specified location.teleport [x] [y] [z]
giveitemGives the specified item to the player.giveitem [item ID] [quantity]
buffApplies a specified buff to the player.buff [buff ID]
debuffRemoves a specified buff from the player.debuff [buff ID]
weatherChanges the weather conditions.weather [rain] [snow] [storm]
creativeEnables Creative Mode, allowing access to all items and building blocks.creative
setgameprefSets a game preference, such as difficulty or day length.setgamepref [preference] [value]
listplayersLists all players currently connected to the server.listplayers
kickKicks a specified player from the server.kick [player name/ID]
banBans a specified player from the server.ban [player name/ID] [reason]
unbanUnbans a previously banned player.unban [player name/ID]
givexpGives the specified amount of experience points to the player.givexp [amount]
godToggles God Mode, making the player invincible.god
weatherChanges the weather.weather [clear/rain/snow/fog]
creativemenuOpens the Creative Menu, allowing access to all items and building blocks.creativemenu

Detailed Description of Key Commands


  • Description: Lists all available console commands.
  • Usage: Simply type help to display a list of commands.


  • Description: Toggles the Creative Menu, giving access to all items and blocks.
  • Usage: Type cm to enable or disable the Creative Menu.


  • Description: Toggles Debug Mode, providing additional developer tools and options.
  • Usage: Type dm to enable or disable Debug Mode.


  • Description: Spawns an entity such as a zombie or animal at the player’s location.
  • Usage: spawnentity [player ID] [entity ID] (e.g., spawnentity 171 73 to spawn a zombie near player 171).


  • Description: Sets the in-game time to a specified day and hour.
  • Usage: settime [day] [hour] (e.g., settime 5 10 sets the time to day 5, 10:00 AM).


  • Description: Teleports the player to specified coordinates.
  • Usage: teleport [x] [y] [z] (e.g., teleport -70 10 180).


  • Description: Gives the player a specified item.
  • Usage: giveitem [item ID] [quantity] (e.g., giveitem 81 20 gives 20 wood frames).


  • Description: Applies a specific buff to the player.
  • Usage: buff [buff ID] (e.g., buff buffPerkLivingOffLand).


  • Description: Removes a specific buff from the player.
  • Usage: debuff [buff ID] (e.g., debuff buffPerkLivingOffLand).


  • Description: Changes the weather conditions in the game.
  • Usage: weather [clear/rain/snow/fog] (e.g., weather rain).

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